Crown Chakra Journal Prompts
How does Spirit show itself to me? How could I incorporate Spirit into my daily routine?
What does peace look like to me? What steps can I take to reach inner peace?
What is my purpose in this life? Do I believe I am here for a reason?
What are some ways I enjoy raising my vibration when I feel angry or upset?
What are some signs/synchronicities from Spirit that have caught my eye recently? Where was I? What was I thinking about when I noticed them?
What does a day in my ideal life look like? Does it include Spiritual practices?
What parts of my life do I try to control the most?
What does being at peace feel like in my body? Do a full body scan/check in.
How does my higher self see my current self? What is my opinion of me?
Do I consistently check in with mental state? How can I do this more?
What or who am I resisting letting go of? How often do I think about this? Is this beneficial for me?
What is my favorite way to meditate? Describe the perfect place to meditate.
Crown Chakra Affirmations
I am at peace
All is well
I am one with the Universe
I trust Divine Timing and Source as a whole
I live only in the present
I am aligned with my life's purpose
I trust the signs from my Guides
I welcome Spirit into my life