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A series of crystal-inspired paintings

I've considered myself an artist since I could hold a pencil. I've always drawn and sketched, but it wasn't until 2020 that I began to paint. As I got to know the medium I found that incorporating active healing into my art sessions made the process of painting so much more cathartic. Since I work with crystals on a daily basis as a healing tool, I explored the idea of painting them, and it became a regular practice. I decided one day to create a series of crystal paintings that reflect the healing properties of each stone through art, and that's how Healing Depictions was born. 

Each painting is a reflection of a crystal that I personally own and have spent time with, and they are all available for purchase. Each package comes with the original painting, the crystal paired with the painting, and a written description of the piece. Email me if you are interested in purchasing and we can go over purchasing details!

Healing Depictions: Welcome


12 x 12 oil on canvas

Lapis Lazuli is a protective stone that enhances objectivity as well as clarity. It promotes self-expression and compassion.



9 x 12 gouache on paper

Jade represents purity, peace and harmony, and is said to bring wealth and good luck. Use Jade to get you through the Wednesday's of the week when you’re starting to feel slumpy at work! Make that money!



16 x 20 oil on canvas

The Rhyolite stone helps us overcome deep emotional wounds while building our confidence and self respect.



16 x 20 oil on canvas

Green Sardonyx is a stone of strength, stamina, protection, and will power



9 x 12 gouache on paper

Amethyst is the “all-healer” stone, not only for humans, but for animals and nature too. It is said to bring peace, groundedness, and tranquility. It’s also a February birthstone. 



9 x 12 gouache on paper

Blue Calcite is the perfect stone for soothing negative emotions. It encourages rest and relaxation while enhancing intuition. 



18 x 24 oil on canvas

The Blue Lace Agate stone is excellent for improving communication skills, especially for those who may lack the confidence to have their voice be heard. This stress relief stone also alleviates feelings of tension. 


Healing Depictions: Products
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