Heart Chakra Journal Prompts
What am I grateful for in this moment?
Who and what do I love unconditionally and why?
Do I have my guard up? Why?
Do I resent anyone? Why?
What is my love language?
Do I naturally trust others? Why or why not?
Write down five compliments to yourself.
What do I believe is my best quality? Give an example of when you let this quality shine.
When does my heart feel the most full?
Do I feel safe to express myself in my close connections?
Who do I feel in my life is a soul mate? Make a list of soul family members.
How can I forgive others and lift the weight of the burden of resentment off my shoulders?
How do I speak to my loved ones when I am upset? Do I intentionally speak to hurt them? Why?
What does true love look like to me?
Heart Chakra Affirmations
I love myself unconditionally
I forgive myself and others
I am kind to myself and others
I choose courage and compassion
I welcome deep, inner peace
I am open to giving and receiving love
I am ready to let go of grief