Root Chakra Journal Prompts
What are my basic needs?
What does strength mean to me?
What makes me feel grounded? How can I practice groundedness?
What does feeling supported and loved feel like to me? Who brings me these feelings? Do I support and love myself?
What does financial abundance look like to me?
What are some things that bring me peace?
Is there anyone or anything in my life that brings me feelings of instability or danger? Am I able to change the situation? What are some ways to center myself around this situation?
Am I easily distracted by my responsibilities? What do I tend to procrastinate and why?
What has my body been asking me for lately? Have I been nurturing those requests?
Do I have low energy days? Do I lean into the low energy or do I try to push forward anyway?
What does burn out feel like to me? What makes me feel better when I am burnt out?
Are there any parts of my life where I am too rigid? Am I able to adapt to changing situations?
Am I comfortable asking for help? How does asking for help make me feel?
What about my living situation do I like? What do I dislike? What can I adjust immediately to improve something that I dislike?
Root Chakra Affirmations
I am safe
I am secure
I am grounded
I am exactly where I am meant to be
I am protected
I am financially secure