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  • "Swadhisthana" in Sanskrit

  • The second chakra located at the base of the naval, below belly button

  • Associated with the color orange and the water element

  • Body systems: sex organs, bowel, bladder, lower intestine, kidneys

  • Benefits of a balanced sacral chakra: balanced emotions, confidence in your sexuality, creativity, confidence with adaptability, feeling stable  

  • Blocked symptoms: emotional instability, low libido, loss of creativity, sexual dysfunction, infertility, codependency, addiction, feeling helpless and scared, dissociaiton, lower back pain, UTIs, overwhelming emotions 

  • Yoga poses - goddess pose, Triangle pose, crescent pose, forward fold, eagle pose, reclined thunderbolt pose, frog pose, open-angle pose, pigeon pose

  • Associated foods: salmon,  lentils, sea salt, carrots, squash, mangos, oranges, mushrooms, apricots, water, coconut, almonds 

  • Activities: sacral chakra themed collage, incorporate the color orange into your outfits/daily routine, etc., painting, drawing, journaling, dancing, taking a hot bath, massage, spending time around water

Image by Jen Gunter
Sacral Chakra: Testimonials

How I Work With My Sacral Chakra

"The Shower" is one of many sacral chakra healing activities that I practice on a regular basis. It's the perfect way to relax and soothe the senses, while focusing specifically on your sacral chakra energy. I always bring in my plants, my crystals, and my associated chakra playlist to set the scene and get the mood right!

Sacral Chakra: Video


to name a few:

Tiger's Eye


Snowflake Obsidian




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Sacral Chakra: Welcome
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