Third Eye Chakra Journal Prompts
What does my ideal life look like? Are there parts of it that I am already within reach of?
Do I regularly trust my intuition? If yes, name an example of something recent. If not, write about why.
Does does imagination look like to me?
Do I judge myself and others often? How can I be more open-minded?
Have I recently experienced vivid dreams? What were they about? Who did they include? Do any themes overlap with my current reality?
How do I most successfully acquire new information? Can I incorporate more of this in my life? How?
Do I believe that my perspective of my life is valid? Do I nurture my true feelings?
Is the voice inside my head mean to me, or kind to me? How can I be kinder?
Describe an experience where you trusted your gut instinct and it worked out.
Do I observe before I act or do I act impulsively? In what situations could I have been more observant?
What has the voice in my head been nudging me to do lately? Why have I been avoiding this or procrastinating? (Go do that thing and then treat yourself!)
How and where did I use my imagination as a child?
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations
I see and think clearly
I trust my decisions and intuition
I am observant and intelligent
I am in alignment with my purpose
I am in tune with my inner knowing
All that I want, I already possess